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Mind Mapping - the art of thinking

Mind Mapping is a very effective tool for revision and for developing deeper understanding of complex concepts. Its unique ability to visualise both the big picture and finer details, as well as to link key concepts through meaningful associations makes Mind Mapping a necessary tool for learning. The most useful tip we were ever given when drawing a Mind Map is to write one word only per branch. This might seem counter intuitive, but when that advice comes from the creator of Mind Mapping himself (Tony Buzan), we knew we better pay attention. That paid off and we discovered Mind Mapping for the powerful tool it is.

If you think about it, writing more than one word per branch limits the number of associations you can meaningfully link to that branch, but if you write one word only you can associate many more daughter branches to that first word you wrote. For example, take "constant speed" in a single branch. Any other branch I draw from the "constant speed" branch will need to be relevant to constant speed. But if I wrote "speed" in a single branch, I can associate other branches to it, like "constant", "acceleration", "units" - "m/s", etc...

Take some time to learn how to Mind Map well and you will unlock the power of your brain to make associations and retain information like never before.

Here are some examples of effective Mind Maps that apply good principles, like one word per branch and effective and evocative images to facilitate retention.

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